Therapeutic Area

Neuro Inflammation
We provide pre-clinical services that test therapeutics aiming to limit and control inflammation within the central nervous system.
There is a growing literature on the contribution of the immune response to neurodegenerative diseases. We have designed assays that test novel therapeutics aimed at preventing or blocking the inflammatory cytokines/chemokines generated by microglial cellsand aspects of microglial function such as phagocytosis.

Example of key assays designed to test therapeutics that modulate immune function of microglial cells
  • Microglia: iPSC derived Microglia phagocytosis, iPSC derived Microglia, cytokine (Inflammasome) /chemokine release
  • Neuron: Neurite out growth

Frequently asked questions

  • Do you use iPSC-derived microglia in your assays? 

Yes, our neuroinflammation assays use iPSC-derived microglia to evaluate inflammatory cytokines and phagocytosis of apoptotic cells or synthetic particles under different inflammatory conditions. 

  • Do you provide assays to assess the impact of inflammation on neurons? 

Yes, we can use neurite outgrowth assays to evaluate how inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, or drug candidates influence neuronal morphology and health. 

  • Do you offer co-culture models for neuroinflammation? 

We are developing microglia-neuron co-culture models to better replicate in vivo neuroinflammatory conditions. Please follow us on Linked In or visit our Insights section for any updates on our progress. 

What Our Partners say about Nexus

Our tailored approach to assay design and execution provides precise solutions for novel therapeutics, ensuring the success of your drug development programme. Visit our testimonial page to read how our immunology CRO services and collaborative efforts have helped our partners achieve quality outcomes to their immunology-focused enquiries.

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