Rhiannon Jenkinson
Chief Scientific Officer

Rhiannon is the Chief Scientific officer of Nexus BioQuest and brings over 20 years’ experience working in the field of immunology across CRO and academic sectors. Her previous positions include Director of Science at Charles River Laboratories, Principal Scientist at KWS Biotest, a Wellcome Trust Career Re-entry Fellowship and a Postdoctoral fellowship at NCI, NIH. Rhiannon has a track record of strong scientific leadership; working closely with her team to identify to design custom assays, identify areas for growth and new technologies. She has a diverse background in autoimmunity, inflammation and immune-oncology and has worked with clients to design and implement research in these areas across all therapeutic modalities. She remains fascinated by the complexity of the immune system and how the latest findings and research in the field of immunology can be translated into assays to help advance clients drug discovery programs.

Drug Discovery Tool
Find the right immune assay for your therapeutic area, modality and target using this interactive Drug Discovery Tool.